As you transition from CORPORATE TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP, let us get you started! These online courses are designed to help you build a strong, sustainable, and resilient business.

The real value of creating a business plan is the value that lies in the process of researching and thinking about your business in a systemic way.

In this course, you will learn how important the act of planning helps you think things through your business idea thoroughly, and look at your idea critically to determine if your business idea is sustainable.

"I walked away with tangible schedules, tangible deliverables, and tangible new concepts to implement into my new business."

- Sophia

Online Biz Bootcamp

"You not only lead by example, but you do so in a way that allows you to bring others alongside of you."

-Amazing Client Testimonial

Online Biz Bootcamp

"I was able to take my business framework and revamp it from a local to a global model."

-Amazing Client Testimonial

Hi, I’m Tanya Williamson.

I was a Corporate Executive and I found myself being handed a pink slip after so many years of dedication, so I had to REBUILD.


In 2007 while I was living in a homeless shelter, I founded and became the Managing Director of Tanya Associated Business Services (TABS), a business consultancy firm that focuses on helping Minority-Owned businesses get past the learning curve of growing and building a sustainable business framework. At that time, I took my corporate experience and transferred the knowledge into small business management.


The pandemic has been a wake-up call to many individuals impacted by job loss, job change and desiring to shift to entrepreneurship.

I'd love to help you navigate seamlessly through this new journey!

Your CORPreneur Girl!

xoxoxoxo Tanya